Treviso, where I have lived all my life, is one of the most polluted places all over Italy. Inspired by this grey, suffocating present, I started thinking about ways to promote a cleaner city : an increase in public transport was a possible answer. 
Therefore I tried to imagine a more accessible, modern and sustainable bus stop to encourage people not to use their cars. 

In life we look for precise boundaries, lines that define where something starts and where it ends. This bus stop forgets about those conventions, for example the strict division between inside and outside: The urban and the natural come together in a project, that doesn’t want to bring anything new, but to bring back to a coexistence between man and what surrounds him. 

When developing an idea, my first step always consists in observing what is close to me and try to picture it in a totally different context. For this project I took a photo of the bus stop next to my house and placed it in the woods. Then I quickly sketched my idea and made a collage, to keep in mind what I wanted its concept to be. After doing so, I did a representation of the bus stop, with references to main features, measurements and materials. And finally I used ArchiCAD 23 to present a final, overall view. 


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