My personal statement

I haven’t always dreamed of studying architecture. It took a slow, winding internal process for me to understand it. 
So I looked for a school that mirrored what I had experienced. 
I was searching for a University where pragmatism and artistic freedom merge together, where conventions are breached  to find balance in something new, that reflects our times and sensibility.
I wanted to study in a city where modernity and history intertwine, in a place of cultural syncretism, an eclectic and lively place, where to be independent and at the same time where to find my intimacy.
I wish that what I studied could contaminate my everyday life and vice versa.
This is why I’ve chosen MSA. 

The modern man suffers from a slight nausea. He’s shaken by a whirlwind of news, data he can’t control; they quickly rotate around him: when he thinks he’s close to a solution, an impercetible and heavy flow of information submerges him again. 
The blurred line between real and fake fades. 

The Azerbaijan pavillion, Venice Biennale 2019, deals with our alienating and unstable reality. The main multimedia installations, despite using image streams and audio-visual immersive experiments, describe a very “human” sensitivity.

Bubble Reflection, a series of transparent aligned anthropomorphic figures, with circuits instead of organs, expresses the loss of man’s autonomy and freedom. The Slinky Effect, various pairs of gray mannequins,
deprived of their emotions and connected to each others by springs, represents our only way of communication: an incessant flow of news, that makes us feel alienated. 

Art to remind us of a reality we are uncosciously immersed in.

Ultra Ruin by Casagrande consists of multifunctional wooden spaces, which seem to grow from a preexisting farm in the jungle of Taiwan. In this environment the distinction between inside and outside disappears, creating a living structure, pervaded by the force of the surrounding nature, which inserts and modifies the project itsef.
At the same time the construction permeates this place, to tell and become an integral part of its history in a continuous flow of time. 
It’s a peaceful coexistence of wildness and urbanity, a work of architecture I’d like to experience myself. 

Reiulf Ramstad proceeds by synthesis and abstraction: he reproposes the traditional Scandinavian architecture in a modern key, using local materials, and simple, precise shapes. 
His works have a calm, intrinsic stillnes, as well as a dynamism and rythm, conveyed by the broken lines and the fragmentation of the planes. 
He’s able to give the sorrounding context a central role, making it an integrant element of his projects: he doesn’t try to change it, but he adapts his builidings to its peculiarities. 
His way of conceiving architecture
 is very rational and modern, but, at the same time, his works seem to be uncontaminated, far from the world we know. 


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